Monday 22 August 2016


Is War really the Answer?

Is it? that is the question we ask ourselves whenever we see the bloodshed on our TV's Mobile Phones even on our Facebook timeline. When do we think it's enough? How much more blood will be shed on the streets in the name of "Peace"? WE DON'T KNOW! that is the unreliable answer of those who invade countries and kill innocents piling up the bodies of women and children on top of one another while keeping a "Hippocratic" smile on their faces.

Lets have a look what I mean by "How Much More?"

Omran Daqneesh 5 years old waiting for help in an ambulance after bombing in Aleppo
Image Taken from CNN

The image above is a Picture of a 5 year old boy after being dragged out of the rumble of a Bombed Building in Aleppo. This image was taken by Aleppo Media Center on August 17, 2016 also miraculously his family also survived the bombing they blame the bombing on Syrian Regime and Russia. See the heartbreaking video of this boy below.

As you can see in the video above the situation of the boy is in. Doesn't that make you question the sense of Peace we are living in this world is it really Peace to bomb children's and Women? Does this boy look like a terrorist to you? I'm afraid we may have the answer to these question's but we do not want to acknowledge them into existence. Just after being posted online this image of a young boy flared throughout the social Media. as told by the Aleppo Media Center's Camera-man
The Boy was in complete shock he didn't even cry he just sat on the seat of ambulance while waiting for someone to come and help him and see to his wounds as he ran his hand along his face and saw blood not one tear came out of his eye he simply just rubbed it off on the seat he was sitting on.
 just moments after sharing this image online it has been tweeted / shared thousands of time. But the question still remains

Can War Bring Peace?

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About Unknown -

I'm a Student in Karachi, Pakistan Studying Software Engineering also an Technology enthusiast and also a Blogger

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